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特に,リスニングの Part2 は,タイムリーな話題を扱っているのでおもしろい。


vet獣医, veterinarianMy vet wants to run another series of blood tests on my puppy.
hold off引き延ばす,待つI've only been working there for a few weeks, so I'll just hold off for now and bring it up with personnel when the time is right.
flew in飛行機でやって来るHi, Jane. This is Peter. I just flew in from L.A.
got off the phone話題などを辞めるI've been expecting your call. I just got off the phone with your client in L.A.
overruled覆す,却下するTwo hours after you left, their chairman overruled the decision. It seems he's not convinced that we're the right company to go with.
under the gun危機に瀕して,圧力をかけられてLook, we're all under the gun. If he can't pull his weight, he should find another line of work.
pull his weight自分の役割を十分に果たす
get on the line〜について情報を得るWell, get on the line and see if the driver can swing by TopDown Communications first to sort out this mess.
see red激怒する,【闘牛の赤布から】But recently they've started taking it out on their mother, which really makes me red">see red.
put your foot down断固たる態度をとるYou have to put your foot down.
pacifying平和な状態に戻す,静めるI think that would be a start to pacifying the staff.
sprawling無秩序に広がった,まとまりのないAnother 74 temples have been identified, surrounded by traces of sprawling suburbs.
ethanolエタノールMeanwhile, soybean, wheat, and corn prices have skyrocketed, partly driven by the global growth in the use of biofuel such as ethanol.
ranchers牧場経営者,牧場労働者All these trends have hit Argentina's cattle ranchers --- in the wallet.
cartilage軟骨The metal replacement used are an imperfect substitution for bone and cartilage, though, and their lifespan is only about seven years.
strand糸,撚り【より】Haddon is experimenting with tiny carbon nanotubes that 100,000 times finer than a strand of human hair.
collagenコラーゲンThis seems likely because the carbon nanotubes are similar in nature to collagen, a protein that gives bones their structure.
seaworthy航行可能な,航海に適するAll merchant ships must be registered as seaworthy before they can legally be put to sea.
fly翻すFor example, 7,000 ships fly the flag of Panama in Central America and over 2,000 fly that of Liberia in West Africa.
forewarned警告を受けるHowever, you should be forewarned that this is a buyer's market, not a seller's.
stage設定する,企てる,計画するHowever, If I were you, I'd stage the house, which means leasing furniture from an outfit that will choose appropriately pieces and arrange them professionally.
rush急ぐこと,急ぎ,急いでいくI'm not in a huge rush, I have other things to work on, but I want it back soon so I can study for Monday's test.
layover途中下車In terms of other options, there's Flight 940, leaving here at 7:50 p.m. and arriving in San Francisco at 11:45 after a layover in Chicago.
roomy広々としたYou could afford to get a fairly roomy two-bedroom apartment on the south side of the city, but you'd basically be living in a high-crime area, which is not an ideal option, to put it mildly.
to put it mildly出来るだけ穏やかに言えば,控えめに言っても
up-and-coming成功する見込みのある,有望なFor example, there's an up-and-coming neighbor in the Sherwood area.
long haul長期のWhereas in Japan, particularly in business in general, I think if you, if you go in, then you go in for the long haul.
hub拠点,中心,中枢Graduates of the Institute of Technology often start up their own companies nearby, making the area a hub of high technology.
immunity免責,免除,免疫The arrested Mafia member was offered immunity from prosecution if he would agree to provide evidence against his boss.
surreptitiously内密に,clandestinelyThe company was discovered to have been surreptitiously keeping two sets of accounts for years in an attempt to evade taxes.
jeopardy危険にさらされていることA: I heard our biggest client is unhappy with the advertising campaign we did for them.
B: Yes, the account is in jeopardy, so I'm meeting with them today to sort things out.
dawdleぶらぶらして過ごすThe store manager told his staff not to dawdle, even if there were no customers. He said there was always work to do, like unpacking boxes and tidying shelves.
scuttled〜を破棄する,捨てる,台無しにするDr.Boyd had hoped to open a new biotechnology lab this year, but the university scuttled her plan by cutting funding drastically.
absconded逃亡する,持ち逃げするThe owner of Watson's Jewelry Store called the police on Friday night after one of his employees absconded with over $100,000 in cash and jewels.
salient重要な,顕著な,目立ったWe don't have time for details today, so I'll just briefly outline the salient points of my new sales strategy.
affront侮辱,無礼な行為News reporters focused on the affront, saying it highlighted the hostile relations between the two countries.
rowdy騒々しい,乱暴なThe police chief said fans would be allowed to celebrate after the soccer final but warned them not to get too rowdy or they could face arrest.
rustle up〜を寄せ集める,〜をこしらえるA: Mom, I'm really hungry. When's dinner?
B: Not for another two hours, Jason. But I can rustle up a snack to keep you going until then.
played up〜を強調する,宣伝する,重視するDuring the job interview, Marc was asked if he had any international work experience, so he played up his three-month work placement at a French company while in college.
rope in誘い込む,騙して引き入れるA: We won't have enough staff to take inventory this weekend. Four of them have the flu.
B: OK. Maybe we can rope in some employees from another store in the area to help.
bemoaned嘆き悲しむSchool teachers have long bemoaned the constraints of an exam-driven syllabus that precludes them from creating more interesting lessons.
employable雇用可能な,雇用価値のあるIf science graduates are seen as more employable than peers with arts degrees, will the sciences begin to draw more interest?
Possibly --- especially if teachers succeed in making the subject more engaging.
clamp down on〜を取り締まる,弾圧するAdditionally, new ``chain of custody'' records should provide clear information about the origin of each timber shipment, while a large-scale monitoring effort aims to clamp down on illegal deforestation and promote sustainability.
in best interests最もためになるChris Beeko of the Ghanaian Forestry Commission believes that it is in Ghana's best interests to comply with the VPA.
outages供給停止,停電In a country plagued by power outages, people rely on cheap, illegal timber for firewood and charcoal.
sawmills製材工場Poverty-stricken areas also depend on the illegal timber industry for jobs, and there is concern about the unemployment that closure of illegal sawmills would cause.
slothsナマケモノ,怠惰According to the researchers, over 17 species --- including wolly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and giant ground sloths --- were wiped out by the blast, the wave of heat it caused, and an ensuing cold period.
telltale自ずと表す,隠しきれない,revealing,人の秘密を言いふらす人The scientists say that evidence of the collision can be spotted in telltale debris left by the impact.
spell一続きの期間,periodEarth's climate began to cool during this time, and Kennet and his team believe that the 1,000-year-long cold spell, known as the Younger Dryas event, was a result of the impact.
thawed溶けるThe team theorizes that the vast Laurentide Ice Sheet, which once covered much of North America, thawed and sent massive fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean.
brunt激しい一撃,矛先Researchers supporting the comet theory, though, argue that it may exploded in the air or on the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which would have absorbed the brunt of the impact.
inhospitable住むのに不適な,荒れ果てた,もてなしの悪いCarved out of inhospitable land at the junction of the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee in 1910, Degania, Israel's first kibbutz, or communal farm, holds special meaning for Israelis.
foremost一番先の,主要なFor example, the first child born on the Degania kibbutz, Moshe Dayan, grew up to become one of Israel's foremost generals and later the country's defense minister.
toiled精を出して働くIt was clear from the early days that while some members toiled hard, others did not do their fair share.
anachronistic時代錯誤の,時代遅れのAnd as creativity, indivisual freedom, and free enterprise became fashionable ideal in the world's democracies, the young felt stifled by what they saw as an anachronistic system where work was assigned and finances were controlled by kibbutz elders.
hardscrabble住みにくい,不毛の,inhospitableIn recent years, young Israelis have founded about two dozen new kibbutzim, most of them based in urban areas rather than the dusty hardscrabble countryside.
synthetic統合的な,総合のTeams of researchers --- including geneticists, computer engineers, and chemists --- are taking this one step further in the field of synthetic biology.
pepperedちりばめる,〜にコショウをかけるEngineers have introduced a new vocabulary peppered with terms from the high-tech industry.
resultant結果として生じる,結果のBy joining lab-created biological components called biodevices with parts of nartural cells, scientists should be able to use the resultant redesigned cells to create useful hybrid organisms.
polymers重合体,ポリマーSuch redesigned cells could produce varous kinds of chemicals and polymers to make food, plastics, silks, and many other kinds of materials, including some not yet even imaginable.
toxins毒素Cells with biodevices could also be programmed to serve as sensitive biosensors that not only detect, but degrade, specified toxins, including those in biological and chemical weapons.
wormwoodヨモギThis substance is a natural extract of the sweet wormwood tree and is used to cure people infected with a strain of malaria resistant to the common antimalaria drug quinine.
yeastイースト菌He began the development of synthetic artemisinin with common baker's yeast, which metabolizes sugar.
fermentation発酵,発酵作用If successful, Keasling believes that relatively small amounts of yeast and sugar placed in a fermentation tank could produce enough self-replicating synthetic artemisinin to treat all the malaria patients in the world.
horrifiedぞっとさせる,怖がらせるMoreover, some religious leaders and environmentalists are horrified that science is tinkering with the natural genetic code.


獣医, veterinarianMy (          ) wants to run another series of blood tests on my puppy.
引き延ばす,待つI've only been working there for a few weeks, so I'll just (          ) (          ) for now and bring it up with personnel when the time is right.
飛行機でやって来るHi, Jane. This is Peter. I just (          ) (          ) from L.A.
話題などを辞めるI've been expecting your call. I just (          ) (          ) (          ) (          ) with your client in L.A.
覆す,却下するTwo hours after you left, their chairman (          ) the decision. It seems he's not convinced that we're the right company to go with.
危機に瀕して,圧力をかけられてLook, we're all (          ) (          ) (          ). If he can't (          ) (          ) (          ), he should find another line of work.
〜について情報を得るWell, (          ) (          ) (          ) (          ) and see if the driver can swing by TopDown Communications first to sort out this mess.
激怒する,【闘牛の赤布から】But recently they've started taking it out on their mother, which really makes me (          ) (          ).
断固たる態度をとるYou have to (          ) (          ) (          ) (          ).
平和な状態に戻す,静めるI think that would be a start to (          ) the staff.
無秩序に広がった,まとまりのないAnother 74 temples have been identified, surrounded by traces of (          ) suburbs.
エタノールMeanwhile, soybean, wheat, and corn prices have skyrocketed, partly driven by the global growth in the use of biofuel such as (          ).
牧場経営者,牧場労働者All these trends have hit Argentina's cattle (          ) --- in the wallet.
軟骨The metal replacement used are an imperfect substitution for bone and (          ), though, and their lifespan is only about seven years.
糸,撚り【より】Haddon is experimenting with tiny carbon nanotubes that 100,000 times finer than a (          ) of human hair.
コラーゲンThis seems likely because the carbon nanotubes are similar in nature to (          ), a protein that gives bones their structure.
航行可能な,航海に適するAll merchant ships must be registered as (          ) before they can legally be put to sea.
翻すFor example, 7,000 ships (          ) the flag of Panama in Central America and over 2,000 (          ) that of Liberia in West Africa.
警告を受けるHowever, you should be (          ) that this is a buyer's market, not a seller's.
設定する,企てる,計画するHowever, If I were you, I'd (          ) the house, which means (          ) furniture from an (          ) that will choose appropriately pieces and arrange them professionally.
急ぐこと,急ぎ,急いでいくI'm not in a huge (          ), I have other things to work on, but I want it back soon so I can study for Monday's test.
途中下車In terms of other options, there's Flight 940, leaving here at 7:50 p.m. and arriving in San Francisco at 11:45 after a (          ) in Chicago.
広々としたYou could afford to get a fairly (          ) two-bedroom apartment on the south side of the city, but you'd basically be living in a high-crime area, which is not an ideal option, (          ) (          ) (          ) (          ).
成功する見込みのある,有望なFor example, there's an (          ) neighbor in the Sherwood area.
長期のWhereas in Japan, particularly in business in general, I think if you, if you go in, then you go in for the (          ) (          ).
拠点,中心,中枢Graduates of the Institute of Technology often start up their own companies nearby, making the area a (          ) of high technology.
免責,免除,免疫The arrested Mafia member was offered (          ) from prosecution if he would agree to provide evidence against his boss.
内密に,clandestinelyThe company was discovered to have been (          ) keeping two sets of accounts for years in an attempt to evade taxes.
危険にさらされていることA: I heard our biggest client is unhappy with the advertising campaign we did for them.
B: Yes, the account is in (          ), so I'm meeting with them today to sort things out.
ぶらぶらして過ごすThe store manager told his staff not to (          ), even if there were no customers. He said there was always work to do, like unpacking boxes and tidying shelves.
〜を破棄する,捨てる,台無しにするDr.Boyd had hoped to open a new biotechnology lab this year, but the university (          ) her plan by cutting funding drastically.
逃亡する,持ち逃げするThe owner of Watson's Jewelry Store called the police on Friday night after one of his employees (          ) with over $100,000 in cash and jewels.
重要な,顕著な,目立ったWe don't have time for details today, so I'll just briefly outline the (          ) points of my new sales strategy.
侮辱,無礼な行為News reporters focused on the (          ), saying it highlighted the hostile relations between the two countries.
騒々しい,乱暴なThe police chief said fans would be allowed to celebrate after the soccer final but warned them not to get too (          ) or they could face arrest.
〜を寄せ集める,〜をこしらえるA: Mom, I'm really hungry. When's dinner?
B: Not for another two hours, Jason. But I can (          ) (          ) a snack to keep you going until then.
〜を強調する,宣伝する,重視するDuring the job interview, Marc was asked if he had any international work experience, so he (          ) (          ) his three-month work placement at a French company while in college.
誘い込む,騙して引き入れるA: We won't have enough staff to take inventory this weekend. Four of them have the flu.
B: OK. Maybe we can (          ) (          ) some employees from another store in the area to help.
嘆き悲しむSchool teachers have long (          ) the constraints of an exam-driven syllabus that precludes them from creating more interesting lessons.
雇用可能な,雇用価値のあるIf science graduates are seen as more (          ) than peers with arts degrees, will the sciences begin to draw more interest?
Possibly --- especially if teachers succeed in making the subject more (          ).
〜を取り締まる,弾圧するAdditionally, new ``chain of custody'' records should provide clear information about the origin of each timber shipment, while a large-scale monitoring effort aims to (          ) (          ) (          ) illegal deforestation and promote sustainability.
最もためになるChris Beeko of the Ghanaian Forestry Commission believes that it is (          ) Ghana's (          ) (          ) to comply with the VPA.
供給停止,停電In a country plagued by power (          ), people rely on cheap, illegal timber for firewood and charcoal.
製材工場Poverty-stricken areas also depend on the illegal timber industry for jobs, and there is concern about the unemployment that closure of illegal (          ) would cause.
ナマケモノ,怠惰According to the researchers, over 17 species --- including wolly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and giant ground (          ) --- were wiped out by the blast, the wave of heat it caused, and an (          ) cold period.
自ずと表す,隠しきれない,revealing,人の秘密を言いふらす人The scientists say that evidence of the collision can be spotted in (          ) debris left by the impact.
一続きの期間,periodEarth's climate began to cool during this time, and Kennet and his team believe that the 1,000-year-long cold (          ), known as the Younger Dryas event, was a result of the impact.
溶けるThe team theorizes that the vast Laurentide Ice Sheet, which once covered much of North America, (          ) and sent massive fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean.
激しい一撃,矛先Researchers supporting the comet theory, though, argue that it may exploded in the air or on the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which would have absorbed the (          ) of the impact.
住むのに不適な,荒れ果てた,もてなしの悪いCarved out of (          ) land at the junction of the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee in 1910, Degania, Israel's first kibbutz, or (          ) farm, holds special meaning for (          ).
一番先の,主要なFor example, the first child born on the Degania kibbutz, Moshe Dayan, grew up to become one of Israel's (          ) generals and later the country's defense minister.
精を出して働くIt was clear from the early days that while some members (          ) hard, others did not do their fair share.
時代錯誤の,時代遅れのAnd as creativity, indivisual freedom, and free enterprise became fashionable ideal in the world's democracies, the young felt stifled by what they saw as an (          ) system where work was assigned and finances were controlled by kibbutz elders.
住みにくい,不毛の,inhospitableIn recent years, young Israelis have founded about two dozen new kibbutzim, most of them based in urban areas rather than the dusty (          ) countryside.
統合的な,総合のTeams of researchers --- including geneticists, computer engineers, and chemists --- are taking this one step further in the field of (          ) biology.
ちりばめる,〜にコショウをかけるEngineers have introduced a new vocabulary (          ) with terms from the high-tech industry.
結果として生じる,結果のBy joining lab-created biological components called biodevices with parts of nartural cells, scientists should be able to use the (          ) redesigned cells to create useful hybrid organisms.
重合体,ポリマーSuch redesigned cells could produce varous kinds of chemicals and (          ) to make food, plastics, silks, and many other kinds of materials, including some not yet even imaginable.
毒素Cells with biodevices could also be programmed to serve as sensitive biosensors that not only detect, but degrade, specified (          ), including those in biological and chemical weapons.
ヨモギThis substance is a natural extract of the sweet (          ) tree and is used to cure people infected with a strain of malaria resistant to the common antimalaria drug (          ).
イースト菌He began the development of synthetic artemisinin with common baker's (          ), which metabolizes sugar.
発酵,発酵作用If successful, Keasling believes that relatively small amounts of yeast and sugar placed in a (          ) tank could produce enough self-replicating synthetic artemisinin to treat all the malaria patients in the world.
ぞっとさせる,怖がらせるMoreover, some religious leaders and environmentalists are (          ) that science is (          ) with the natural genetic code.