


  • 補足
    • canopy については,「leaf canopy」でGoogle画像検索するのがよろし。
    • give short shrift については,shrift が「懺悔」とかで,short shrift =>
    • 「適当な懺悔」と考えて,「適当にあしらう」と覚えるといいことに気づいた。
    • botched は,botch up で,出てくることが多いと思う。
    • playwright はスペル注意。
    • なぜに,grievance を間違ったのか不思議。tip off もどっかで見た記憶がある。


bibliography参考文献一覧,引用文献I know you want to submit this to an academic journal, so you'll need to provide more sources than are in your bibliography.
light bulbs白熱電球But we've already been replacing the light bulbs with energy-saving ones.
swervedそれる,deviate,車のハンドルを急にきるI had to change lanes suddenly because a car coming the other way swerved into my lane.
in no way少しも〜ない,決して〜ないFrom what you both say, sir, it looks like this lady is in no way liable for the accident.
footing the bill勘定を受け持つ,責任を引き受けるI imagine your insurance will end up footing the bill.
officiated役を務める,職務を行う,儀式を行う,審判員をつとめるThe court was officiated by a group of volunteers who were 12 to 18 years old.
decide on〜について決定するIts function is to decide on an appropriate sentence for first-time offenders who have already admitted to committing a petty crime.
canopies天蓋(てんがい),傘Trees in these areas have evolved leaf canopies and branching systems that trap droplet from the air.
aquarium養魚タンク,水槽Emeral coral bogies are a species of goby, a popular aquarium fish.
expulsion排除すること,駆逐,追放,除籍The threat of expulsion keeps colonies peaceful, and force is rarely used to maintain order.
ankle足首The SCRAM bracelet is an electronic device attached to a person's ankle that detects and records even slight amounts of alcohol in perspiration.
flaunted〜を見せびらかす,ひけらかす,これ見よがしに誇示するThe billionaire's daughter constantly flaunted her wealth, driving fancy cars and wearing expensive clothing and jewelry.
blunders誤り,大失敗,大失敗するShe often made social blunders that embarrassed him and made people think they were both unsophisticated.
pamper〜を甘やかす,欲望などを満たす,〜の好きなようにさせるI like to pamper myself once a month.
grievance不平,不満The union members voted to strike because they had some serious grievance against the management, including unpaid overtime and dangerous working conditions.
teasedいじめる,悩ます,からかうWhen Crystal lost a badminton match to her younger brother, she was annoyed by the way he gloated over it. He teased her for days.
immaculate少しも汚れていない,欠点のない,完全なHarold's sister always leaves her room in a mess, but Harold cleans his room every day, so it is immaculate.
reprisals政治・軍事上の報復,報復行為,仕返しFollowing the arrest of its leader by security forces, the terrorist group threatened reprisals against the government unless he was released immediately.
budding芽を出しかけた,新進の,芽生えたばかりのThe woods behind our house look beautiful in spring, with all the flowers in bloom and the little stream gently meandering among the freshly budding trees.
hype誇大宣伝,いんちき,麻薬常用者I think our expectations were too high because of all the hype in the media about it.
impervious通さない,不浸透性の,〜を受け付けない,無感覚な,鈍感なHe seems to be impervious to the cold.
defuse信管を取り〜から除く,〜を静める,和らげるFortunately, their respective foreign ministers met and were able to defuse the situation and prevent any conflict.
breeze inくつろいで入ってくる,楽勝するThe manager informed the new staff of the company's strict rules about start time, warning them that they could not just breeze in whenever they liked.
tipped off〜にに内報する,警告するThe escaped convict was arrested at a local convenience store after a customer spotted him and tipped off the police.
milling aboutうろうろ動き回る,ひしめくAt the time the presentation was scheduled to begin, people were still milling about in the lobby.
pan outうまくいく,〜の結果になるUnfortunately, things did not pan out as expected, and it became violent.
entice誘惑する,誘う,そそのかして〜させるIvy League schools have been competing to entice more students from middle- and low-income backgrounds.
fend off〜をかわして進む,追い払うUtilizing these funds to create tution assistance programs for the benefit of students from middle- and low-income families may well be the best way to fend off increasing criticism.
onslaught猛攻撃,多量,多数,殺到In these days of environmental awareness, we are subjected to a constant onslaught of shocking news detailing the impact of human activity on our planet.
demise死去,消滅,集結The vast changes brought about by the fifth mass extinction --- which ocurred about 65 million years ago, causing the demise of dinosaurs --- indicate the scale of the consequences we face.
heed〜に注意を払う,〜を心に留める,listen toWe would do well, then, to heed Eldredge's messge.
textile織物,布地In 2008, worldwide sales of products created using nanotechnology --- from antibacterial skin creams to stain-resistant textile --- totaled approximately $120 billion.
given short shrift〜をよく考えずさっさと処理する,軽くあしらうIt is not surprising, then, that research has focused on the potential for nanoproduct development, while the possible risks have been given short shrift.
solubility溶解性,溶解度,解決可能性The chemical composition, shape, and solubility of a nanoparticle are also believed to influence its toxicity.
Treated化学薬品などで処理する,治療するTreated wastewater is often released into oceans, rivers, and lakes, or ends up as fertilizer for crops, so it is imperative that it be safe.
loath嫌いで,気が進まない,嫌うSome people are worried that the nanoproduct industry, blinded by the benefits and dollar signs, is loath to address possible problems.
downplay控えめに扱うIt would be wise to view with skepticism any attempts to downplay safety concerns.
upholdingを支持する,是認する,確認する,維持するAt present, however, this seems to be the only way it can keep children safe and maintain educational standards while upholding legal obligations to teachers until a review board determines whether they will be terminated or reinstated.
behooves〜するのがsbに必要である,ふさわしいIf we are to improve student performance, it behooves us to make a few changes outside the classroom before dedicatd teachers are defamed and demoralized.
resurgentよみがえる,再起するThey feared the resurgent power of a reunified Germany, a nation that had already been instrumental in causing two world wars.
prop up支持する,支えるMitterrand even paid an official visit to East Berlin in a last attempt to prop up the tottering Communist regime and prevent reunification.
barbed-wire有刺鉄線Hungarians credit their government's decision in May 1989 to dismantle the barbed-wire border with Austria.
sown種をまくAccording to this view, the seeds of Communism's downfall in Eastern Europe may have been sown as early as 1968.
playwrights劇作家In Prague, Gdansk, Leipzig, and eventually East Berlin, dissident groups led by many different kinds of people, including playwrights, trade unionists and Lutheran pastors, organized weekly protests against Communist power.
trade unionists労働組合
countermanded〜を取り消す,撤回するHe gave local authorities the green light to fire on protesters in Leipzig, but this was countermanded by the deputy.
botched〜をやり損なう,だめにするOn November 9th, a botched public announcement by a government spokesman detailing the planned changes caused huge numbers of East Germans to gather at the wall.
watershed大転機,重大な分岐点Perhaps the most plausible explanation for what made this watershed moment in history possible hinges on a synthesis of contributing factors.
hinges on〜次第である,〜を決める
scar傷跡We don't want scar tissue developing and restricting your range of motion.
screenwritersシナリオライターHilary Budd's presentation, ``Dose this sound real?'' is a must for aspiring screenwriters.
stuntスタント,曲芸,離れ業Finally, anyone who wants to get into stunt work will enjoy ``Don't try this at home!''
patio中庭,パティオThis will be presented by stuntwoman-turned-actress Veronica Spellman on the patio behind the building.
complimentary無料の,あいさつの,お世辞のThe airline will arrange complimentary accommodation at nearby hotels.
toiletries化粧品All passengers will receive an amenity kit containing toiletries for the night.
red tapeお役所的な,形式主義的なThere's always so much red tape, but once we were over that we were quite lucky.
pockets小地域,山間,谷間So I think there are still pockets that are really beautiful, but too many rivers have been dammed, and too many mountainsides have been concreted just in the quest for modernization.