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aerial空中の,空気のTo find sites that have no surface traces, archaeologists may use aerial photographs taken from balloons, airplanes, or satellites by cameras with remote sensors, infrared film, or other devices.
hollowsくぼみ,へこみArchaeologists may simply probe the ground with sound to check for variations in reflection of sound that would indicate the presence of structures or hollows in the ground.
periscope潜望鏡A probe, or periscope, may be inserted into the ground to locate walls and ditches.
beeswax蜜蝋Common substances such as beeswax, oil, and salt were used, though the procedure could be very complicated and took up to seventy days.
bandages包帯,巻き布The body was then wrapped in bandages which were smeared with pitch to make them waterproof.
assay評価する,査定するSome of the primary concerns is to assay the influence of one artist on succeeding ones in the historical past, and to gather biographical data on artists and documentation (provenance) on the previous whereabouts and ownership of particular works of art.
empathy感情移入,sympathyAn extensive knowledge of the historical context in which the artist lived and worked is also necessary, as well as empathy and understanding of a particular artist's ideas, experiences, and insights.
squashウリ類The daily routine of the Indians centered on the subsistence cultivation of corn, beans, and squash.
hides獣の皮About once a year, the tribes went on a major bison hunt to supplement their vegitable diet and to obtain hides, sinew, bone, and other raw materials.
Spaniardsスペイン人The Indians obtained the first horses after the Spaniards settle New Mexico in 1598.
treasonable反逆の,裏切りのAaron Burr was accused of making a treasonable effort to set up an independent government in the Southwest.
In effect実際には,事実上,in fact, 有効なIn effect, it applied economic pressures against Britain and Frace who were at war with each other.
Impressment強制徴募It was Jefferson's answer to the British Orders in Counsil and the Impressment Acts, directed against neutral (in this case, mainly American) shipping.
embittered辛い思いをする,悲しむ,〜を憤慨させるWhite Southerners had been embittered by the North defiance of the 1850 Federal Fugitive Slave Act.
seceded脱退するAfter Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 on the antislavery platform of the new Republican Party, the Southern states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy.
primacy第1位,首位Third, if management asserts primacy of profits, this may in itself provide negative signals to employees about systems of corporate values.
plow投資するThey plow the rest of their profits back into the operations.
collusion共謀,なれ合いThese are desined to combat collusion among companies with respect to prices, output levels, or market shares, and, where feasible, to prevent mergers that significantlly reduce competition.
drew on〜を生かすIn formulating educationla criteria and aims, he drew heavily on the insights into learning offered by contemporary philosophy and psychology as applied to children.
interplay相互作用,interactionIt must provide opportunity for the interplay of thinking and doing in the child's classroom experience.
taskmaster厳しく仕事を課す人,厳格な監督The teacher should be a guide or coworker rather than a taskmaster assigning a fixed set of lessons and recitations.
pedagogy教育学Among the result of Dewey's administrative efforts were the establishment of an independent department of pedagogy and of the University of Chicago's Laboratory Schools.
tenets主義,教義Dewey's writings on educatin presented and defended what were to remain the chief underlying tenets of the philosophy of education he originated.
preponderantly優勢に,圧倒的にSothern whites and their descendants, by contrast, generation after generation remained preponderantly rural as migration took them westward across Tennessee and Kentucky to Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
persistence of vision残像All motion pictures are based on an illusion of motion made possible by a characteristic of visual perception called persistence of vision.
riffled本をパラパラめくるIf the pages are riffled at a rather fast pace, the eye will perceive the illusion of a moving line.
gazette新聞,官報This gazette appeared in various forms and under various names more or less continually to the end of the Ch'ing dynasty in 1911.
government-imposed政府によって強要されるAt first hindered by government-imposed censorship, restrictions, and taxes, newspapers in the 18th century came to enjoy the reportorial freedom and indispensable function that they have retained to the present day.
alcoholアルコールIt was a law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcohol beverages.
reformatories少年院Prisoner for young offenders, the first of which was established at Elmira, N.Y. in 1876, were called reformatories, which gave greater emphasis to education for their inmates.
probation執行猶予,保護観察,試験Probably the most significant correctionla developments of the late 19th century were probation and parole.
strictures拘束,制限,非難Romanticism started as a reaction against the perceived strictures of the preceeding age.
untamed未開の,手がつけられていない,飼い慣らされていないEven theology reestablished the place of humans within a completely untamed natural world.
Renaissanceルネサンス,文芸復興Critics and historians now look back upon the years between 1850 and 1855 as the American Renaissance, primarily due to the fact that so many writers of pivotal importance were busily recording their world at the time.
realization認識,理解,実現The basic premise resides in the realization that neither theism nor deism can adequately answer the burning question of man's relation with God.
pantheism汎神論Instead, transcendentalists chose a form of pantheism to articulate their view fo the universe.
aphoristic金言的な,格言的なSuch compression makes her work aphoristic like Emerson's, but also result in occasional obscurity.
connotative含蓄に富むThe language of the poems is precise, instantly expressive, and richly connotative.
punsだじゃれ,語呂合わせShe delighted in such indirections as ambiguities, incongruities, paradoxes, and puns.
abandon奔放,気まま,あきらめる,捨てるFor punctuation she used dashes with such abandon that her manuscripts have constantly frustrated their editors.
prosody韻律学Her prosody, at first sight, seems the most derivative of her techniques, for her meters are essentially those of English hymns.
Rhyme韻,押韻Rhyme in her hands proved equally flexible and functional.
secular非宗教的な,世俗の,俗人のThe secular theater in the Middle Ages established itself either as lighthearted interludes in serious moralities or as deliberate parody tolerated by the church as a safety valve to consistent piety.
obsceneわいせつな,いやらしい,低俗なThe annual Feast of Fools in 15th-century Paris, for instance, incorporated an obscene parody of the mass performed in song and dance within the church.
festive祭りの,祝いのBy the year 1400, numerous comedies and farces had appeared, usually performed on festive occasions in aristocratic houses or on open stages in municipal squares.
Choirboys少年聖歌隊Choirboys from the church sometimes took part, but surviving texts suggest that there was little choral music as such.
repertoryレパートリー,貯蔵所Musicians probably had little or no acquaintance with musical notation and played pieces from their regular repertory.
doctrine理論,教義Atomism is a doctrine that explains complex phenomena in terms of aggregats of fixed particles or units.
Holistic全体論Holistic theories explain the parts in terms of qualities displayed by the whole.
indivisible不可分のThe atoms are absolutely indivisible, qualitatively identical (i.e., distinct only in shape, size, and motion), and combinable with each other only by juxtaposition.
consciousness意識Politics has played a significant role in the American consciousness ever since the colonial era.
coined造り出す,鋳造するAs early as 1642, before the term political science was coined, Henry Dunster, president of Harvard College, added to the curriculum a course on ethics and politics.
pinwheel風車,回転花火Spiral galaxies have a small, bright central region, or nucleus, and arms that come out of the nucleus and wind around, trailing off like a giant pinwheel.
respiratory呼吸の,呼吸器系のUpper respiratory infections are exceeding common, and the best-known are pneumonitis and rhinotracheitis.
obstructふさぐ,遮るOccasionally, these may cause ulcers or completely obstruct the digestive tract.
combing櫛でとかす,櫛Prevention, in the form of frequent combing and brushing, is best.
grooming毛繕いをする,新郎,花婿If fur balls occur in spite of grooming, the animal many be given a teaspoonful of mineral oil in its food or a dab of petroleum jelly on its paws twice a week.
veterinary獣医のIt is better to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.
urine尿,小便Many apparently normal cats have tiny mineral crystals in thier urine.
clump凝集する,群生するFor reasons not yet fully understood, these crystals often clump together to form sandlike particles or small stones.
urinary尿の,泌尿器のA urinary obstruction is a grave emergency and must be treated immediately by a veterinarian.
inheritance遺伝,継承Although genetics and the mechanisms of inheritance were unknown during Darwin's time, he noted that certain life forms are more likely to survive than others.
disown自分のものだと認めないOne difficulty is that there is no clear deviding line between those forms of aggression which we all deplore and those which we must not disown if we are to survive.
disastrous災害を引き起こす,悲惨な,損害の大きいThe desire for power has, in extreme form, disastrous aspects which we all acknowledge.
musselsムラサキイガイThe immature mussels, called spats, float after hatching and attach themselves to the ropes.
wound巻き付けるThe spatcovered ropes are next wound around large stakes in the sea.
oystersカキSimilar methods are used to raise oysters in many parts of the world.
sturgeonチョウザメThis is done in enclosed areas such as the Caspian Sea, where sturgeon are raised for their flesh and their eggs.
ratites平胸類The largest such group of birds, called ratites, includes the ostrich, rhea, emu, cassowory, and kiwi.
pseudosuchians偽顎類According to theory, birds are descended from pseudosuchians, reptiles that began to live in trees about 225 million years ago.
membranous膜からなる,膜質の,薄いThis was accompanied by the gradual modification of the forelimbs into membranous wings, making it possible for these animals to leap from trees and glide to the ground.
Archaeopteryx始祖鳥From these reptiles, Archaeopteryx, ancient wing, evolved.
Symbiosis共生Symbiosis is classified into mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
RhizobiumリゾビウムOne of the best-known mutual relationships is the one between `nitrogen-fixing' Rhizobium bacterian and several leguminous plants such as beans, peas, peanuts, and alfalfa.
legumesマメ科植物Rhizobium bacteria, which live in the soil, enter the roots of legumes and produce nodules, or enlargements, in which they absorb nitrogen from the air and convert it into ammonia.
Lichens地衣類Lichens, which consist of fungi and algae, are another well-known example of mutualism.
lipids脂質Specifically, it involves the quantitative determination and structural analysis of the organic compounds that comprise the basic constituents of cells (proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids) and of those that play a key role in chemical reactions vital to life (nucleic acids, vitamins, and hormones).
substrates基質,培養基Both the cell's degradation of substances that release energy and its buildup of complex molecules that store energy or act as substrates or catalysts for biological chemical reactions are studied in detail by biochemists.
regulatoryadj. 調整する,規定する,取り締まるBiochemists also study the regulatory mechanisms within the body that govern these or other processes.
physiology生理学Accordingly, it makes use of many of the techniques common to physiology and those integral to analytical, organic, and physical chemistry.
effects達成する,もたらす,引き起こすThe control unit fetches data and instructions from memory and effects the operations of the ALU.
calculator電卓The basic operation of the CPU is analogous to a computation carried out by a person using an arithmetic calculator.
Latitudinal緯度のLatitudinal variations in the input of solar energy are due to two factors.
ecliptic黄道Because the polar axis of the earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees with respect to the ecliptic, we have a progression of seasons.
dewWhen air passes over a cold object, it loses heat and its moisture condenses as fog, dew, or frost.
cyclonicサイクロンの,大暴風のConvergent lift occurs in cyclonic storms such as tornadoes.
convective対流性の,伝達力のあるIn convective lift, air coming into contact with a warm surface, such as a desert, is heated and becomes more buoyant than the surronding air.
orographic山岳学の,地形性のIn orographic lift, the air is forced upward as it encounters a cooler, denser body of air or when it meets raised landforms such as mountains.
particulate微粒子の,微粒子からなるFor raindrops to form, there must be particulate matter in the air, such as dust or salt, at temperatures above freezing.
nuclei中心,核心,原子核These particles are called condensation nuclei.
caterpillarsイモムシ,毛虫Monarch caterpillars eating milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from the alterd corn plants ate less, grew more slowly, and died more quickly.
hit the market市場に出るIt was approved in the U.S. by the Food and Drag Administration and hit the market in 1996.
carcass死骸Hunters would often poison the carcass of a downed elk in an attempt to decrease the wild canine population.
ranchers牧場経営者The reintroduction program was strongly protested by local ranchers who claimed that the animals would decimate the area livestock.
coyotesコヨーテIn the absense of the wolves, coyotes had been the top predators in the ecosystem, at the top of the local food chain, along with grizzly bears.
rodent齧歯類,齧歯動物The decreased coyote population was a boon for rodent species such as ground squirrels, voles, and pokect gophers, which constituted most of the coyote diet.
electron電子The electron microscope is so named because it directs a beam of electrons ranther than light through a specimen.
tungstenタングステンThe beam of electrons is created in a hot tungsten filament in an electron gun.
fluorescent蛍光を発する,蛍光性のThe image produced is then projected onto a fluorescent screen or recorded on film.
lithography石版印刷,平板印刷In the past few decades, offset printing (also called offset lithography) has replaced letterpress and intaglio methods almost entirely for commercial work.
webfed輪転式印刷The offset technique was made possible at the beginning of the 20th century after the development of certain photographic process and the rotary webfed press.
chromeクロムOffset printing plates are usually made of steel, aluminum, or a chrome-copper alloy.
etched表面に刻まれたOffset does not depend on raised or etched surfaces to transfer images.
greaseグリス,獣脂It relies on the fact that grease and water do not mix.
damping湿ったAs the place cylinder rotates, the plate passes first under water-soaked damping rollers and then under inking rollers that carry a grease-based ink.
seepsしみ出てたまった所,しみ出る,漏れるThese hydrocarbons often escape to the surface where they may form natural oil seeps, or in the case of gas, simply dissipate.
anticlines背斜【褶曲構造のうちの1つ】They may be trapped underneath curved layers of rock called anticlines or by faults in the rock.
seismic地震Faults occur when layers of rock split and move such as in an earthquake or during normal seismic events.
reservoir貯水池,ため池The term reservoir can be misleading, giving people the impression of large subterranean lakes full of oil.
porous多孔性のIn fact, oil and gas are trapped within porous sedimentary rocks such as sandstone or shale.
A profusion of豊富なA profusion of geologic activities is associated with a plate collison.
subductionプレートの潜り込み現象,サブダクションOne plate sinks beneath the other, a process called subduction.
lithosphere岩石圏Ocean lithosphere thus descends into the asthenosphere.
downbuckling下方屈曲This downbuckling produces a long, narrow deep-sea trench (about 100km wide), where the ocean floor reaches its greatest depths (about 10km below sea level).
parallel平行なThe edge of the overriding plate is crumpled and uplifted to form a moutain chain roughly parallel to the trench.
slab厚板,平板Materials may be scraped off the descending slab and incorporated into the adjacent mountains.
Magmaマグマ,泥膏【でいごう】Magma formed where plates sink into the mantle floats upward and can reach the surface and erupt from volcanoes.
gradient勾配Geologists call the rate of increase the ``geothermal gradient,'' and measure it in degrees per unit of depth.
seismically地震的にSuch reservoirs occur in permeable rocks, most commonly in seismically active regions.
crustal地殻のThese are often close to the boundaries of crustal plates, for example, in Iceland, New Zealand, and Italy.
impermeable不浸透性の,通り抜けられないEngineers could extract more of this heat if they could find ways to drill economically through impermeable rock to depths at which temperatures are high enough.
biofeedback生体自己制御There are many other options, from yoga to biofeedback to music therapy, and none of them excludes the others.
rheumatoid arthritisリューマチ性関節炎And researchers showed recently that people with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis could ease their sickness by writing about the most stressful events in their lives.
specter亡霊,幽霊,恐ろしいもの,不安材料The specter of overweight stalks some of us the way starvation stalks others.
bears witness証明する,証拠となるThe stomach bears witness.
sacThough it is a small muscular sac when empty, it readily expands to take in several pounds of food at a time.
stuff〜を詰める,詰め込むYet, no matter how hungry at the outset, human beings do not ordinarily continue to stuff so resolutely that they swell to gigantic proportions.
regularly規則正しく,時間通りに,定期的にMental preparation focuses on building self-image, maintaining motivation and discipline to train regularly, avoiding undue risks, and learning to accept whatever changes in lifestyle may be necessary.
resistance抵抗力,抵抗New materials make sportswear more comfortable and protective and can increase performance by decreasing friction and resistance.
amphetaminesアンフェタミンIn the late 20th century, increasing attention was given to athletes' use of so-called performance-enhancing drugs such as amphetamines and anabolic steroids.
cornerstone基礎,土台This principle is one of the fundamental laws of classical physics and is a very cornerstone of modern science and technology.
carried about持ち歩くBut this advantage might well be offset by the weight of the batteries to be carried about.
bequeathed遺譲する,残るThe scientific revolution had bequeathed to mathematics a major program of research in analysis and mechanics.
calculus of variations変分法With expansion came specialization, as different parts of the subject acquired their own identity: orginary and partial differential equations, calculus of variations, infinite series, and differential geometry.
giving rise toを引き起こす,のもとになるAnalysis and mechanics developed in close association, with problems in one giving rise to concepts and techniques in the other.
さらにアグレッシブなあなたには,チェック問題を。 はい。どん!!
To find sites that have no surface traces, archaeologists may use () photographs taken from balloons, airplanes, or satellites by cameras with remote sensors, infrared film, or other devices.
Archaeologists may simply probe the ground with sound to check for variations in reflection of sound that would indicate the presence of structures or () in the ground.
A probe, or (), may be inserted into the ground to locate walls and ditches.
Common substances such as (), oil, and salt were used, though the procedure could be very complicated and took up to seventy days.
The body was then wrapped in () which were smeared with pitch to make them waterproof.
Some of the primary concerns is to () the influence of one artist on succeeding ones in the historical past, and to gather biographical data on artists and documentation (provenance) on the previous whereabouts and ownership of particular works of art.
An extensive knowledge of the historical context in which the artist lived and worked is also necessary, as well as () and understanding of a particular artist's ideas, experiences, and insights.
The daily routine of the Indians centered on the subsistence cultivation of corn, beans, and ().
About once a year, the tribes went on a major bison hunt to supplement their vegitable diet and to obtain (), sinew, bone, and other raw materials.
The Indians obtained the first horses after the () settle New Mexico in 1598.
Aaron Burr was accused of making a () effort to set up an independent government in the Southwest.
() (), it applied economic pressures against Britain and Frace who were at war with each other.
It was Jefferson's answer to the British Orders in Counsil and the () Acts, directed against neutral (in this case, mainly American) shipping.
White Southerners had been () by the North defiance of the 1850 Federal Fugitive Slave Act.
After Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 on the antislavery platform of the new Republican Party, the Southern states () from the Union and formed the Confederacy.
Third, if management asserts () of profits, this may in itself provide negative signals to employees about systems of corporate values.
They () the rest of their profits back into the operations.
These are desined to combat () among companies with respect to prices, output levels, or market shares, and, where feasible, to prevent mergers that significantlly reduce competition.
In formulating educationla criteria and aims, he () heavily () the insights into learning offered by contemporary philosophy and psychology as applied to children.
It must provide opportunity for the () of thinking and doing in the child's classroom experience.
The teacher should be a guide or coworker rather than a () assigning a fixed set of lessons and recitations.
Among the result of Dewey's administrative efforts were the establishment of an independent department of () and of the University of Chicago's Laboratory Schools.
Dewey's writings on educatin presented and defended what were to remain the chief underlying () of the philosophy of education he originated.
Sothern whites and their descendants, by contrast, generation after generation remained () rural as migration took them westward across Tennessee and Kentucky to Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
All motion pictures are based on an illusion of motion made possible by a characteristic of visual perception called () () ().
If the pages are () at a rather fast pace, the eye will perceive the illusion of a moving line.
This () appeared in various forms and under various names more or less continually to the end of the Ch'ing dynasty in 1911.
At first hindered by () censorship, restrictions, and taxes, newspapers in the 18th century came to enjoy the reportorial freedom and indispensable function that they have retained to the present day.
It was a law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of () beverages.
Prisoner for young offenders, the first of which was established at Elmira, N.Y. in 1876, were called (), which gave greater emphasis to education for their inmates.
Probably the most significant correctionla developments of the late 19th century were () and parole.
Romanticism started as a reaction against the perceived () of the preceeding age.
Even theology reestablished the place of humans within a completely () natural world.
Critics and historians now look back upon the years between 1850 and 1855 as the American (), primarily due to the fact that so many writers of pivotal importance were busily recording their world at the time.
The basic premise resides in the () that neither theism nor deism can adequately answer the burning question of man's relation with God.
Instead, transcendentalists chose a form of () to articulate their view fo the universe.
Such compression makes her work () like Emerson's, but also result in occasional obscurity.
The language of the poems is precise, instantly expressive, and richly ().
She delighted in such indirections as ambiguities, incongruities, paradoxes, and ().
For punctuation she used dashes with such () that her manuscripts have constantly frustrated their editors.
Her (), at first sight, seems the most derivative of her techniques, for her meters are essentially those of English hymns.
() in her hands proved equally flexible and functional.
The () theater in the Middle Ages established itself either as lighthearted interludes in serious moralities or as deliberate parody tolerated by the church as a safety valve to consistent piety.
The annual Feast of Fools in 15th-century Paris, for instance, incorporated an () parody of the mass performed in song and dance within the church.
By the year 1400, numerous comedies and farces had appeared, usually performed on () occasions in aristocratic houses or on open stages in municipal squares.
() from the church sometimes took part, but surviving texts suggest that there was little choral music as such.
Musicians probably had little or no acquaintance with musical notation and played pieces from their regular ().
Atomism is a () that explains complex phenomena in terms of aggregats of fixed particles or units.
() theories explain the parts in terms of qualities displayed by the whole.
The atoms are absolutely (), qualitatively identical (i.e., distinct only in shape, size, and motion), and combinable with each other only by juxtaposition.
Politics has played a significant role in the American () ever since the colonial era.
As early as 1642, before the term political science was (), Henry Dunster, president of Harvard College, added to the curriculum a course on ethics and politics.
Spiral galaxies have a small, bright central region, or nucleus, and arms that come out of the nucleus and wind around, trailing off like a giant ().
Upper () infections are exceeding common, and the best-known are pneumonitis and rhinotracheitis.
Occasionally, these may cause ulcers or completely () the digestive tract.
Prevention, in the form of frequent () and brushing, is best.
If fur balls occur in spite of (), the animal many be given a teaspoonful of mineral oil in its food or a dab of petroleum jelly on its paws twice a week.
It is better to seek () attention as soon as possible.
Many apparently normal cats have tiny mineral crystals in thier ().
For reasons not yet fully understood, these crystals often () together to form sandlike particles or small stones.
A () obstruction is a grave emergency and must be treated immediately by a veterinarian.
Although genetics and the mechanisms of () were unknown during Darwin's time, he noted that certain life forms are more likely to survive than others.
One difficulty is that there is no clear deviding line between those forms of aggression which we all deplore and those which we must not () if we are to survive.
The desire for power has, in extreme form, () aspects which we all acknowledge.
The immature (), called spats, float after hatching and attach themselves to the ropes.
The spatcovered ropes are next () around large stakes in the sea.
Similar methods are used to raise () in many parts of the world.
This is done in enclosed areas such as the Caspian Sea, where () are raised for their flesh and their eggs.
The largest such group of birds, called (), includes the ostrich, rhea, emu, cassowory, and kiwi.
According to theory, birds are descended from (), reptiles that began to live in trees about 225 million years ago.
This was accompanied by the gradual modification of the forelimbs into () wings, making it possible for these animals to leap from trees and glide to the ground.
From these reptiles, (), ancient wing, evolved.
() is classified into mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
One of the best-known mutual relationships is the one between `nitrogen-fixing' () bacterian and several leguminous plants such as beans, peas, peanuts, and alfalfa.
Rhizobium bacteria, which live in the soil, enter the roots of () and produce nodules, or enlargements, in which they absorb nitrogen from the air and convert it into ammonia.
(), which consist of fungi and algae, are another well-known example of mutualism.
Specifically, it involves the quantitative determination and structural analysis of the organic compounds that comprise the basic constituents of cells (proteins, carbohydrates, and ()) and of those that play a key role in chemical reactions vital to life (nucleic acids, vitamins, and hormones).
Both the cell's degradation of substances that release energy and its buildup of complex molecules that store energy or act as () or catalysts for biological chemical reactions are studied in detail by biochemists.
Biochemists also study the () mechanisms within the body that govern these or other processes.
Accordingly, it makes use of many of the techniques common to () and those integral to analytical, organic, and physical chemistry.
The control unit fetches data and instructions from memory and () the operations of the ALU.
The basic operation of the CPU is analogous to a computation carried out by a person using an arithmetic ().
() variations in the input of solar energy are due to two factors.
Because the polar axis of the earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees with respect to the (), we have a progression of seasons.
When air passes over a cold object, it loses heat and its moisture condenses as fog, (), or frost.
Convergent lift occurs in () storms such as tornadoes.
In () lift, air coming into contact with a warm surface, such as a desert, is heated and becomes more buoyant than the surronding air.
In () lift, the air is forced upward as it encounters a cooler, denser body of air or when it meets raised landforms such as mountains.
For raindrops to form, there must be () matter in the air, such as dust or salt, at temperatures above freezing.
These particles are called condensation ().
Monarch () eating milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from the alterd corn plants ate less, grew more slowly, and died more quickly.
It was approved in the U.S. by the Food and Drag Administration and () () () in 1996.
Hunters would often poison the () of a downed elk in an attempt to decrease the wild canine population.
The reintroduction program was strongly protested by local () who claimed that the animals would decimate the area livestock.
In the absense of the wolves, () had been the top predators in the ecosystem, at the top of the local food chain, along with grizzly bears.
The decreased coyote population was a boon for () species such as ground squirrels, voles, and pokect gophers, which constituted most of the coyote diet.
The () microscope is so named because it directs a beam of electrons ranther than light through a specimen.
The beam of electrons is created in a hot () filament in an electron gun.
The image produced is then projected onto a () screen or recorded on film.
In the past few decades, offset printing (also called offset ()) has replaced letterpress and intaglio methods almost entirely for commercial work.
The offset technique was made possible at the beginning of the 20th century after the development of certain photographic process and the rotary () press.
Offset printing plates are usually made of steel, aluminum, or a ()-copper alloy.
Offset does not depend on raised or () surfaces to transfer images.
It relies on the fact that () and water do not mix.
As the place cylinder rotates, the plate passes first under water-soaked () rollers and then under inking rollers that carry a grease-based ink.
These hydrocarbons often escape to the surface where they may form natural oil (), or in the case of gas, simply dissipate.
They may be trapped underneath curved layers of rock called () or by faults in the rock.
Faults occur when layers of rock split and move such as in an earthquake or during normal () events.
The term () can be misleading, giving people the impression of large subterranean lakes full of oil.
In fact, oil and gas are trapped within () sedimentary rocks such as sandstone or shale.
() () () geologic activities is associated with a plate collison.
One plate sinks beneath the other, a process called ().
Ocean () thus descends into the asthenosphere.
This () produces a long, narrow deep-sea trench (about 100km wide), where the ocean floor reaches its greatest depths (about 10km below sea level).
The edge of the overriding plate is crumpled and uplifted to form a moutain chain roughly () to the trench.
Materials may be scraped off the descending () and incorporated into the adjacent mountains.
() formed where plates sink into the mantle floats upward and can reach the surface and erupt from volcanoes.
Geologists call the rate of increase the ``geothermal (),'' and measure it in degrees per unit of depth.
Such reservoirs occur in permeable rocks, most commonly in () active regions.
These are often close to the boundaries of () plates, for example, in Iceland, New Zealand, and Italy.
Engineers could extract more of this heat if they could find ways to drill economically through () rock to depths at which temperatures are high enough.
There are many other options, from yoga to () to music therapy, and none of them excludes the others.
And researchers showed recently that people with asthma or () () could ease their sickness by writing about the most stressful events in their lives.
The () of overweight stalks some of us the way starvation stalks others.
The stomach () ().
Though it is a small muscular () when empty, it readily expands to take in several pounds of food at a time.
Yet, no matter how hungry at the outset, human beings do not ordinarily continue to () so resolutely that they swell to gigantic proportions.
Mental preparation focuses on building self-image, maintaining motivation and discipline to train (), avoiding undue risks, and learning to accept whatever changes in lifestyle may be necessary.
New materials make sportswear more comfortable and protective and can increase performance by decreasing friction and ().
In the late 20th century, increasing attention was given to athletes' use of so-called performance-enhancing drugs such as () and anabolic steroids.
This principle is one of the fundamental laws of classical physics and is a very () of modern science and technology.
But this advantage might well be offset by the weight of the batteries to be () ().
The scientific revolution had () to mathematics a major program of research in analysis and mechanics.
With expansion came specialization, as different parts of the subject acquired their own identity: orginary and partial differential equations, () () (), infinite series, and differential geometry.
Analysis and mechanics developed in close association, with problems in one () () () concepts and techniques in the other.
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